Born and raised in Montclair New Jersey, I began my musical journey at a young age.  Growing up in the 70's I became infatuated with music, whether it be from the country station my mother always had on, or the pop music my father played from the stereo of his car, I often dreamt of creating my own music, and hopefully having it resonate with people the way others music had to me.  One of my earliest memories of music, is hearing my parents alarm clock going off to the sounds of the Beatles, or one very particular morning, when my grandmothers alarm clock went off to the very early sounds of the ‘Sweet’.  It may be no coincidence, but these two bands were instrumental in my development for, and appreciation of, music.  Another very early influence, I distinctly remember getting for Christmas, the Beatles 2nd album, and the Osmonds Crazy horses' album.  Both are in heavy rotation on the playlist of my life.  That, along everything mentioned above, is where my ‘eclectic’ taste in music came from.  It was open season on music, and I was taking in all of it.

I started taking guitar lessons at an early age after moving to West Orange.   While not being the best student, I often found himself at crossroads early on, as my teacher was somewhat demanding, and called me out on my lack of practice, and drive.  Hearing myself being told to either practice, or just quit, and save my teacher the time and aggravation, and save my parents the expenditure, was enough motivation…..I carried on enough over the rough spots to become somewhat competent and began playing in a band during high school.   It was here, that I met my musical partner, David, with whom I collaborated with on most of the songs heard on this independent release.  I began writing music to David's lyrics, and poetry, and a long-term partnership, bandmate, and lifelong friendship was formed.   It was at this time, on the back porch of a modest home in West Orange, that I began to hone my somewhat, songwriting skills.  

At some point in the mid 80's, while trying to break into the music scene, and realizing every band out there was looking for a bass player, I decided a change of instruments was in order, and decided to take up the bass.  Thankfully, the teacher who made demands of me early on, was available, and willing to work with me on my new endeavor.   From the late 80's until the late 90's, I played in a few original bands, recorded numerous demo tapes, and worked on getting my bands, and my name out there.  I took on the responsibility of doing the booking for my bands, and through determination, and maybe some luck, I was able to book my bands into such iconic venues as the Stone Pony, The Fast Lane (on numerous occasions with numerous bands) CBGB'S, the Lion's den, and every biker bar, speak easy or gin joint that would have live music.

Shortly thereafter, a break was needed.  A 10-year break, to be exact.  Burned out from the scene and drained, I took time off to re charge, and re focus. I came back more focused than ever, and while i did suffer the loss of some dexterity, I made up for it in gaining more music knowledge and had a better understanding of theory and music in general, which would become a huge help to me in later years.   

After some searching, and lots of time trying to get my chops up too speed, I was able to finally find and join a band as a guitarist (my original love).  My first live appearance in 15 years was at the famed Sherman Theater in East Stroudsburg PA.  From there, I was off to other venues, and many more gigs.   And while this was, and still is very satisfying, something was missing……..a compilation of the original music David and I had begun writing, some 40 years earlier.  

This EP is the results of those sessions.  The tweaking, reworking, recording, and reworking again of those songs.  Recording those songs was the goal from day one, whether it took 1 year or a 100, it would be done.  

If you brought a hard copy, or downloaded anything, I thank you.  I hope it brings you some joy, or at least something to pop in and play every now and again.  If it brings you nothing, that is fine also.  All one can ask for is a chance to be heard, and that is what I am getting.  A chance to be heard.

In closing, the people who helped me on my journey are too numerous to mention.   First, my wife Heather, who is probably way more patient than I deserve.  Secondly, my parents for paying for the lessons.  Thirdly, my ex-band mates, and people I have dealt with in the business.  Some of you sucked as people.  But you taught me how ‘not’ to be, and for that I thank you.  Others were cool and are friends to this day.   The amount of incredible musicians, I have met, and talked to, and went out to see, and have been out to see me, is incredibly humbling.  I am sure I get way out of you then you do of me, and I am ok with that.  I had no idea the music world could be this rewarding, but it is.  I will never make a living, or hell, any real money in this business.  Most won't.  But the friendships, comradery, stories and everything in between make me richer than I could ever imagine.   I also want to thank ALL my friends, throughout all my years of playing, for the support, love, the patience….some of you people have seen me play live 10 or more times, and you still come out.  I am truly humbled to have friends that are so supportive!  

In closing, I would like to thank my band mates in ‘Cover charge’, and the 'FML' trio.  We have a real kick ass band, with kick ass people, that I am proud to be a part of.  Also, the great people and musicians I have met, and recorded with as off shoots of these bands.  And finally, my late, great guitar teacher Pat, who kicked me in the ass when I needed it.  I may not have been here if you did not throw it down like that.  One thing I will always remember, and still use to this day, either in business, or in music, are your words…..'You have to know the rules, to break the rules'.  Never one to really follow many rules, I'm sure I'm still breaking some.  I guess I'm OK with that.  I hope you are too.



At the Debonair Music hall, Teaneck N.J. December 2023

Another Thing

Mike Volpe

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Another Thing

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